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Diary Entry - 01/16/1989

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-16-1989

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan spend Martin Luther King Day packing.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend a private dinner at the Laxalt's home.

View the President's Schedule
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Brkfst. around 9 A.M. some more packing—this time my White Tie & Tails. To my desk for some backed up mail. Nancy out to lunch with the girls. Ted & I lunched in the West hall. Back to the desk & then some more packing. Nancy got home from lunch with the press ladies about 3:30. In the meantime Jim K. was up with a bunch of pictures for me to sign. Then Ken D. came in for a 20 min. session on things hanging fire—like pardons for several people. Amanda—Mike Deavers daughter called him about a pardon for Mike—yet Mike has passed the word he wouldn’t accept a pardon. In the evening into Black tie & over to the Laxalts home for a dinner party—about 30 people. It was a most enjoyable evening with old friends. Charly Wick played piano & we had a little song fest after dinner. Back to the W.H. about 11 P.M.

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