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Diary Entry - 01/15/1989

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-15-1989

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan bid farewell to Camp David staff as they conclude their last time there.

  • NATO, the Warsaw Pact and twelve other European countries adopt a human rights and security agreement in Vienna, Austria.

View the President's Schedule
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Up for Brkfst. about 9 A.M.—watched meet the press & off to the landing pad. First though—into the hangar where all the personnel & Forest Rangers were there in formation. Commander introduced reps. of each service & they presented us with gifts & flowers for Nancy. I did some farewell remarks then we boarded our regular helicopter. Arrived at W.H. at around noon. Ted on hand—we all began packing. I went by Dr. Huttons office for a fresh bandage. More packing. Then dinner with Ted & Merme in the study & watched ourselves on “60 minutes.” And to bed.

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