Diary Entry - 01/17/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses 115 members of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
President Reagan places a call to President Leon Febrew-Cordero of the Republic of Ecuador.
President Reagan approves a finding that authorizes the sale of weapons to Iran through third parties.
Met with Cirisco [Ciriaco] De Mita—leader of Italian Christian Dem. party. It’s possible he’ll be next Prime Minister. He’s a solid supporter of link between U.S. & Italy. Then over to E.O.B. for brief talk to American Legislative Exchange Council. They are a bipartisan group of St. Legislators supportive of our goals. They are conservatives. Only thing waiting was N.S.C. wanting decisions on our effort to get our 5 hostages out of Lebanon. Involves selling TOW anti-tank missiles to Iran. I gave a go ahead. Then office time & the swallowing of 8 or 9 glasses of Golightly & frequent walks to the little room in the hall. All part of preparation for physical at Bethesda Naval Hospital. It went well—Xrays of lung then the colonoscopy—found 3 tiny polyps, size of a half a grain of rice—all benign. Then for 2 hours I drank a quart or more of barium & waited 2 hrs. for it to coat my innards for the cat scan. It took 100 photos of slices of my innards about 1 milimeter apart—another hour & a half. My day was made when the Dr. (a woman) on the catscan said my innards looked like those of a man 20 yrs. younger than me. And so off to Camp David.