Diary Entry - 01/16/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a kick-off ceremony for the Child Safety Partnership.
President Reagan and Vice President participate in a ceremony to present the Young American Medal.
Staff meetings and then a meeting with our team just back from meeting with the N. Vietnamese Govt. in Hanoi on the matter of our still missing P.O.W.’s. Progress was made but no admissions about possible live P.O.W.s being held. There is agreement on joint excavations of crash site etc. The lady who heads the M.I.A.-P.O.W. family org. gave further evidence that Cong. man Bill Hendon is absolutely wrong in his wild charges that our govt. has info. about the P.O.W.’s & is covering it up.
Then a meeting with a fine group of citizens working in the private sector on the problems of child safety. They are an org. known as the “Child Safety Partnership.”
After lunch with the V.P. a ceremony giving medals in the East Room to 4 wonderful young people—2 for service & 2 for bravery.
We had a cabinet meeting on the ’87 budget & urged all cabinet sec’s. to take to the speaking circuit to inform the people about our need to cut spending. Chief Burger (Sup. Ct.) reported on need for additional funding for the ’87 celebration of the Constitution. He’s chrmn. Personnel time—OK’d a lot of appointees.
Then presented a Gold Medal for Ray Wilkins to his widow. Presented the Commander In Chief Award to the Air Force Academy football team.
Photos with 2 of our Ambassadors & familys.
Then an hours meeting with Coretta King (widow). I believe I managed to erase any lingering ideas that I am a bigot.