Diary Entry - 01/18/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan makes a radio address to the Nation on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1986.
The President and First Lady watch the movie "Prizzi's Honor" together.
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Sat. was a beautiful Spring like day. We took 2 hikes. Sun. the fog moved in & it was a day by the fire. We ran the movie “Purple” & it was a magnificent job of picture making. Mon. a holiday and a near blizzard. Word came we had to leave early or risk not getting out of Camp. The 1st 10 min’s. of the Marine 1 flight were the roughest we’ve ever had in a Helo. But it straightened out & we’re back at the W.H. A haircut at 5 P.M. and a house guest for dinner—Maureen.