Diary Entry - 01/16/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss deploying Electronic Warfare capable planes.
President Reagan meets with members of the Committee on the Next Agenda to discuss initiatives for the President's second term.
N.S.C. briefing—I made a decision to equip several planes with equipment capable of jamming Cuban radio & T.V. We may never use them—I hope not. But we intend to start Radio Marti—broadcasting truth to Cuba. We intend to offer Castro a channel upon which he is free to broadcast to our people. But we’ll also tell him that if he jams our radio & (as he has threatened) interferes with our commercial stations we’ll black out Cuban T.V. & radio. We must be prepared to carry that out instantly.
Greeted & thanked our entire Geneva (Soviet talks) delegation. Then I dropped by a meeting of the “Committee of The Next Agenda.” Surprisingly this was a group representative of a number of Inst’s. from Brookings to Hoover etc. They have come up with an agenda for our 2nd term that is pretty basic to what I want to do. Then over to E.O.B. to speak to Nat. Assn. of Republican Mayors who are here for the Nat. Conf. of Mayors.
And upstairs early to work on Inaugural address which I think I’ve finally finished.