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Diary Entry - 01/12/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-12-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan has breakfast with Premier Zhao.

  • President Reagan conducts a meeting with the Cabinet Council on Economic Affairs to craft monetary policy.

  • The President and First Lady attend the Kennedy Center for a live performance of "The Hasty Heart."

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This was to be a long day all the way to an early dinner and then to Kennedy Center to see “The Hasty Heart” on stage. Started at 7:30 with a brkfst. for Premier Zhao & our 2 cabinets. Then into the East room for a ceremony of signing a trade & technology agreement. Then he was off to S.F. & back to N.Y. I went over to the E.O.B. to meet with the “Small Business Legislative Council.” This group has been very supportive. Back to the Oval O. for an N.S.C. briefing. We’re still trying to straighten out the shoot down of our whirlybird pilot in Honduras. There is word that their anti-aircraft fire which caused the plane to land came with our aircraft over Honduras not Nicaragua. In other words Nicaragua was shooting at our men while they were in neutral air space & even after they landed on Honduran soil. Bill Wilson & Archbishop Pio Laghi came by. His eminence will be Papal Nuncio now that we have diplomatic relations. Lunch with the V.P. and then a meeting with Cab. Council on Ec. affairs. This was on monetary policy & off budget loans & loan guarantys. We should make this off budget spending—on budget so the people know how extravagant govt. really is. A brief drop in on our business task force that is going to Japan to pursue agreements we started on our visit. Then upstairs;—my guardian angel (Nancy) had called Mike D. about the 21⁄2 hours of scheduled activities & he postponed them. Only thing left is “The Hasty Heart.” I’ve never seen a one of the Broadway hits that I did on screen.

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