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Diary Entry - 01/13/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-13-1984

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady host a luncheon for elected Republic Women from across the nation.

  • President Reagan attends a N.S.C. meeting about Soviet re-armament negotiations.

  • The President and First Lady end the day by watching "Singing in the Rain".

View the President's Schedule
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An N.S.C. meeting on our approach to the Soviets re arms negotiations. We’ve notified them of our report to Cong. on their violation of various treaties & agreements. They do just plain cheat. Then lunch arranged by Mermie with about 100 Repub. Women office holders from all over the country. We gave them a full day of briefings by Cabinet members etc. I spoke & did Q&A. They were a great group & went out of their way to convince me there was no gender gap. Meeting then with Geo. S. prior to his trip to Stockholm. We’re tracking. A brief personnel meeting then a taping session & off to Camp D. Helicopters set us down at the foot of the mountains & we motored in (Weather).

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