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Diary Entry - 01/11/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-11-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the Economic Policy Board.

  • President Reagan receives a briefing from Henry Kissinger's Central American Commission.

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Snow on the ground—very pretty & very cold. An N.S.C. brief on Lebanon—a glitch in what looked like progress toward a settlement. Jumblat balked. Met with Kissingers Central Am. Commission. They presented their report. It’s darn good & we’ll push for it’s adoption. In fact it really bears out what we’ve been pushing all along. George S. & I met on a variety of things—we’re still eye to eye. Met with my ec. policy board. Being economists they are not in agreement except that we all know we have to go after the deficits. Some of them would turn to taxes. I still say no & the majority of them agree. Ended the day. No I didn’t—just remembered a meeting with Ann Armstrongs commission—Foreign Intel. Advisory Board. They reported on their overview of our intelligence activities. Had some suggestions which we’ll follow. Just received a cable—one of our Helicopter pilots in the Honduras maneuvers was shot & killed by fire from across the Nicaraguan border.

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