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Diary Entry - 01/06/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a Signing Ceremony for the Farm Credit Act of 1987.

  • President Reagan participates in a taping with several children of ABC's special "Conversations with the Presidents."

  • Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze states the Kremlin wants to pull an estimated 115,000 soldiers from Afghanistan in the coming year.

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Howard B. opened with word he was doing an interview with Hugh Sidey. Then news that dollar & foreign mkts. were solidly up. He also made pt. re yesterdays Budget Brf. that we must stand firm & see that Bud. stays within figures agreed to in our negotiations.

N.S.C.—Colin had Negroponte check into case of 9 yr. old son of Zimbabwe diplomat who had been abused by his father. We’ve sent his father home. Boy wants to stay here but State Dept. urges sending him back to Zimbabwe— not to his father. Apparently Z. has laws like ours & will protect & separate boy from his father & Z. has asked that he be returned. [. . .] Taiwan is working toward producing a nuclear weapon. I’m sending a message to Pres. Chiang. We have an agreement with Taiwan blocking such a move. If word proves to be true we’d have to report to Cong. Some talk of P.M. Takeshita of Japan & his coming visit. Report also we are discussing a bilateral on drugs with Soviet U. Last word is—I should attend a N.A.T.O. summit in Brussels early in March.

Then some desk time—all of this in study—Oval O. torn up for T.V. interview with a bunch of kids. A. C. Lyles special for ABC. At 11:30 A.M. into Roosevelt room for signing ceremony of Farm Credit Bill. Dr. Hutton brought his wife & her parents into study for photo.

Lunch & met new mil. aide—an Army Major. Then a half hour with George S. His report was on foreign policy schedule of travel during this final year. Then the taping. Each child asked 3 Q’s. I really enjoyed this—the kids ages 5 to 12 were great.

Home & mother.

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