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Diary Entry - 01/07/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in various photo opportunities.

  • President Reagan meets with the I.N.F. Treaty delegation.

  • Secretary of State George P. Shultz, tries to smooth rift caused by U.N. vote, reports that American support for Israel remains "unshakable."

View the President's Schedule
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Everything is covered with snow. With Cong. home things are rather quiet. Our meeting was one of general conversation about a number of things. Well one item was a schedule change. Our Feb. trip to Calif. is delayed on day because on the 11th I’m addressing the Conservative Annual dinner. So on the 12th I’ll go to Calif. & do the Pete Wilson fund raiser then have 3 days at the ranch & home on the 4th day. There has been a study made of the Oct. stock crash and it came about all within the stock exchange—there was no outside trigger. A major computerized sell set off the panic & all the wild trading involved only 15 or 20 firms. Now the Ways & Means committee has talked of a package of proposals affecting mergers & acquisitions that could upset things again. W.H. security is going to shut down the N.W. gate off Pa. ave. while they make changes in the security blocks now there. Howard is going to Fla. this weekend to get Joy & bring her back to Tenn. He’ll stop off & make a speech in New Orleans at the same time.

N.S.C.—Colin is in Central Am. Negroponte conducted meeting. A lot of it was about Japan P.M. Takeshita & his upcoming visit. He’s 63 yrs. old & has been in Govt. since 1951.

Then we had Carluccis message about Bahrain & Mike Armacosts report msg. on Pakistan. Colin had a meeting with Gov. Martinez of Fla. re the situation in Haiti. They now have 13 cand’s. seeking the Presidency.

Desk time til 11:45—then I met briefly with I.N.F. delegation about 40 men & women who did all the hard work on the treaty.

Then lunch & at 1 P.M. a farewell photo with Bill Courtney & his family.

At 3:45 a photo with Jennifer H. who is leaving. At 3:50 photos with office of Assistants to Pres. for Domestic Affairs. Personnel time with Bob Tuttle. Then Admin. time—Erving Kaplan a long time close friend now 90—I hadn’t seen him in years. He & his family including grand children all came by. Then a photo with 2 young ladies who had done an interview of me for First Monday magazine.

Doug McKinnon a photo (he’d never had one) and 3 S.S. agents—each with family. They are being reassigned. And that closed out the day.

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