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Diary Entry - 01/05/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends ceremony for the 1987 Presidential Distinguished Rank Awards.

  • President Reagan attends meeting with Colin Powell regarding Soviet developments.

  • The U.N. Security Council votes unanimously to ask Israel not to deport Palestinians from the occupied territories.

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Staff meeting—discussed outline on planning major speeches for coming year. We’re thinking of sounding out Ken Khachigian as editor—if he can take a year off from his private life. Then some happy news. In early Feb. I’m slated to do a fund raiser in Calif. for Pete Wilson and a meeting (one day) in Mexico with Pres. De La Madrid—then about 4 or 5 days at the ranch.

N.S.C.—Time—Colin brought in our expert on Soviet U. He sees a split developing between Gorbachev & Ligachev. We’ll soon see an ec. plan to make Soviet enterprises self supporting. In June the once in every 4 yr’s. Soviet Cong. will meet. There should be some hint as to division in Soviet U. under the Glasnost plans.

Then it was desk time & I cleared away a lot of mail. At 11:55 a departure photo with Ron Stabler [Sable] & family. He’s going out into the world.

After lunch I went over to E.O.B. to make presentation of Distinguished Rank awards to more than 50 of our exec’s. for work above & beyond. This was followed by a Budget meeting—Jim Miller presiding. Some more desk time—then over to Dr. for my sneeze shot & finally photos & reception for a dozen White House Fellows who signed on in Sept.

Then upstairs for evening.

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