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Diary Entry - 01/05/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-05-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting with agricultural leaders about Food and Agricultural policy.

  • President Reagan records birthday wishes for Cary Grant on his 80th.

  • DOW trades a record 160 million shares.

View the President's Schedule
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Usual staff & N.S.C. briefings. In the latter rcvd. word (and fingers are crossed) that a solution may be in sight for Lebanon. Down to the situation room & later to the Cabinet room for briefing on visit Jan. 10 of Chinese Premier Zhao. Then a meeting with agri. leaders. Lunch with V.P. Then a Cab. Council meeting on Management & Administration. This was the happiest of the day. We have eliminated half the publications govt. was putting out—best sellers like “How To Buy Eggs.” There were reports from our Inspectors General on great administrative improvements etc. Personnel time, then meeting with Mrs. America a lovely young mother. A photo with James Emery who is taking on a job for us. A Taping session for 4 different affairs. One of them a happy birthday for Cary Grants 80th B.D. to be aired on the Today show. Wall St. had it’s all time record day 159,990,000 shares traded & mkt. ended—up 131⁄2 points. Tomorrow Dec. unemployment figures. It dropped another 2⁄10 of a point to 8.1 & 8.2. Tomorrow Don Regan & I do battle with our team members who want to raise taxes because of the deficit. He & I want to reduce spending instead. Just informed this meeting will be on Mon.

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