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Diary Entry - 01/04/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-04-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan conducts a meeting about the 1985 budget for Education with House Republicans.

  • President Reagan learns that the Soviets are interested in setting up communications.

  • President Reagan meets with Reverend Jesse Jackson.

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Mermie’s birthday. Big day at the office, too. Jesse Jackson, his family, Lt. Goodman (released by Syrians) & his family came to Oval office. Jesse’s debriefing on his hours spent with Pres. Assad was most interesting. He believes (& so do I) that Assad could be sending a message. J.J. said he talked at length about wanting to establish a relationship with me. We all trooped out to the Rose Garden for photos etc. It was a good day. A string of meetings followed—with Congressmen re the proposed budget for ed.—we aren’t too far apart. Then a budget meeting on possible alternative tax structures. None of them looked good to me. Then a meeting with George S. & Bud M. The Soviets have indicated they would like a back door set up for private communications (as we proposed). Things may be looking up.

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