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Diary Entry - 01/04/1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with National Security Planning Group about the situation in Surinam and the execution of labor, academic, and civic leaders.

  • President Reagan meets with republican senators to discuss the budget deficit.

  • The CDC holds a national conference to discuss blood screening for AIDS, but arrives at no consensus.

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Brkfst. with G.O.P. leaders (Sen.). Gave them bad news about deficits. They agree the law that says we must project 5 yrs. ahead is crazy but we still have to do it. No economist can predict more than 1 yr. ahead (if that) with any degree of accuracy. Nat. Security Planning Group—met re Surinam. Press is neglecting this place possibly because the blood thirsty dictator is on the left. He had about 30 labor leaders, academics & civic leaders executed and is seeking alliance with Cuba. This must not be allowed. We have to find a way to stop him. The Marines could do it but we’d lose all we’ve gained with the other Latin Am. countries.—Working lunch with cabinet on medicare & medicaid. I’ll have a decision to make there.—Started briefing for tomorrow nights press conf.

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