Diary Entry - 01/03/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends budget meetings regarding the budget deficit.
President Reagan signs a bill subsidizing special phone aids for the hard of hearing.
Kilauea begins slowly erupting on the Big Island of Hawaii.
It was hard to get up. The usual staff & N.S.C. meetings then free time to catch up on memos & some mail. An issues lunch—nothing startling. Got calls from leaders of House & Sen. that the new Congress has convened. Of course in a few days they’ll go home until Jan. 25th. A tough budget meeting & how to announce the deficits we’ll have—they are horrendous & yet the Dems. in Cong. are saying there is no room for budget cuts. Met with a group of young Repub. Congressmen. Newt Gingrich has a proposal for freezing the budget at the 1983 level. It’s a tempting idea except that it would cripple our defense program. And if we make an exception on that every special interest group will be asking for the same. Signed a bill subsidizing special phone aids for the hard of hearing. 7:30 P.M.—Congressional leadership—stag dinner. Oops—almost forgot—signed order launching our commission to study the MX landing system. Former General Scowcroft is Chmn. Dinner very pleasant—Eddie Albert entertained—songs & poetry. He was great.