Diary Entry - 12/24/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan places phone calls to 5 enlisted men stationed around the world, one from each branch of the military.
President Reagan spends Christmas Eve with family and friends.
Only one chore—an enjoyable one—5 phone calls—to an enlisted man on duty in each of the 5 services. One in Okinawa, others in Turkey, W. Germany, Japan, & one at sea on a destroyer in the Indian Ocean. They were Merry Xmas calls arranged by the services. One was a last min. change—the Army call to W. Germany. It seems the outfit of the man I was to call got in a fracas in town last night & were being disciplined. The General didn’t think getting a call was quite appropriate at this time.
We’ve spent most of day opening gifts so the tree will be clear tomorrow for Dicks family & Maureen & Dennis. Tonight the annual affair—dinner at the Wicks. It’s Mary Janes turn to be Santa. It was as always a most enjoyable time—all the Wicks & Dougs bride to be. Nancy has been the marriage broker on this one. Then Nancys brother & his family & Maureen & Dennis. A good time was had by all.