Diary Entry - 12/23/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Secretary of Commerce Howard Malcolm Baldrige to discuss the Secretary's recent meeting with General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.
President Reagan signs the Food Security Act of 1985.
Mac Baldridge came by with his report on the meeting with Gorbachev. It was somewhat similar to mine. G. on human rights gave him the same pitch I got that the basic human right was everyones right to a job & in the Soviet U. everyone is given a job. Of course he doesn’t also add that they cant choose a job—they take the one the govt. tells them to.
In the St. Dining room we had a ceremony of signing the farm bill. Then Jack Block & I went over to the D. of A. & did a T.V. broadcast to a network of T.V. & radio stations estimated to be a 1000. I took 5 Q’s. from that many farm journalists across the country.
Back at the W.H. a cluster of photos—some with departing staffers & some with groups like Eddies boys etc. A haircut & upstairs.