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Diary Entry - 12/23/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-23-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of Commerce Howard Malcolm Baldrige to discuss the Secretary's recent meeting with General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev.

  • President Reagan signs the Food Security Act of 1985.

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Mac Baldridge came by with his report on the meeting with Gorbachev. It was somewhat similar to mine. G. on human rights gave him the same pitch I got that the basic human right was everyones right to a job & in the Soviet U. everyone is given a job. Of course he doesn’t also add that they cant choose a job—they take the one the govt. tells them to.

In the St. Dining room we had a ceremony of signing the farm bill. Then Jack Block & I went over to the D. of A. & did a T.V. broadcast to a network of T.V. & radio stations estimated to be a 1000. I took 5 Q’s. from that many farm journalists across the country.

Back at the W.H. a cluster of photos—some with departing staffers & some with groups like Eddies boys etc. A haircut & upstairs.

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