Diary Entry - 12/23/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a farewell photo opportunity with Congressman Bill Carney who is leaving Congress.
President Reagan participates in a Domestic Policy Council meeting to discuss Secretary Otis Bowen's plan for catastrophic illness insurance.
Well Fred Fielding cant do the job we asked him about—checking through all the documents having to do with the Iran case. He is on a case for a client. We think we’ll get our Ambas. of N.A.T.O. who is coming home anyway.
Cong. Bill Carney came by for a photo—he’s leaving Cong. Sorry to see him go, he’s been a strong supporter.
Over to E.O.B. to address the Small Business Conference. They were most receptive. I had a few lines about Iran. It’ll be interesting to see what the press does with it.
Before E.O.B. I almost forget we watched on T.V. the return of the “Voyager.” This was the end of the 1st nonstop round the world flight—9 days.
In the afternoon a Domestic Policy Council meeting. Subject was Sec. Otis Bowens plan for catastrophic illness insurance. It’s my decision to make—I’ve got a lot of studying to do.
We had another smaller meeting on the “Quad Commission” report on exec. salary raise at top levels. There is widespread belief that politically I should reject it because the sizable increases are only for the top 3,000 or so of govt. including members of Cong. & judges. Frankly I think we should have the raise—present salaries are so out of line with the pvt. sector.
Finished day with a taping session—including taping my Sat. radio show because I’ll be on way to Calif. Saturday. Really ended the day when after dinner we opened our Xmas presents. We go out to dinner at the Wicks Xmas eve—that’s become traditional. We have people in for dinner Xmas nite so our tradition—the 2 of us—do package opening 2 nites before Xmas.