Diary Entry - 12/22/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for 1987 proclamation for the National Day of Prayer.
Have to begin thinking of a possible Dir. for C.I.A. The prognosis on Bill Casey is not too good. Will now have to have Radiation in addition to Chemotherapy. If we must—our U.N. Ambas. Vernon Walters might be a very good choice.
Because of coming Xmas, went over to the Signal switch board & the W.H. Admin. Board to say Merry Christmas to the operators. Then a signing ceremony for 1987 proclamation of Nat. Day of Prayer (May 7).
Issues Briefing lunch—spent a lot of time on possible plan for Catastrophic Illness insurance. It isn’t an easy idea. Heads of pvt. insurance have been of little help.
The American Friends of Lubavitch a Jewish religious order sent 10 Rabbis to present me with a silver Menorah in observance of Hanukah.
Then photos with 60 of the mil. staffers of our motor pool & garage. Charley Wick came by with a book (pictures) of the Ronald Reagan museum in Rome Italy. Dr. Smiths family, grand children et al—came by for a photo. An interview type meeting with Edmund Morris who is doing my official biography.
Some desk time & upstairs early.