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Diary Entry - 12/20/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-20-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Planning Group meeting to discuss Soviet violations of treaties and agreements.

  • President Reagan participates in his 21st Press Conference.

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An in & out day crowned by a Press Conf. We had an N.S.P.G. meeting on study of whether & how the Soviets are violating treaties & agreements like the A.B.M. treaty. There isn’t any question but that they are & yet some of those treaties are so ambiguous you might not make a case that would stand up in court. I’m afraid in the days of Détente—our negotiators were so anxious to bring home some kind of treaty that it didn’t have to be good. Had lunch with members of the Am. Security Council. They are a high powered but very dedicated group. Spent 2 hours in the afternoon wood shedding for the press Conf. We held the N.C. [news conference] in the E.O.B. It went pretty well—the 1st hour phone in’s were 3 to 1 positive. Most Q’s. were on Beirut.

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