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Diary Entry - 12/16/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation 5006, proclaiming 1983 as World Communications Year.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Republican National Committee (RNC) Dinner Committee.

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A day that shouldn’t happen. Staff meeting, N.S.C. briefing then a Cabinet meeting—re proposals by Ted Bell for changes in ed. grants. He has a darn good proposal for incentives, vouchers etc. A little more study needed. East room for meeting with leaders of Telecommunication co’s. & signing of proclamation. Lunch with George Bush. Met with Eagles—all leaders of R.N.C. dinner committee. N.S.C. re a study plan of our overall policy toward Soviet U. Wash. Post interview—Lou Cannon & Kennedy. Picture sessions with Prof. Sports leaders re drugs—Nancy attended. Pic with Future Farmers of America, Cong. Jim Hansen & directors of Mormon Youth Choir, saw 3 Ambassadors off. Ceremony for Nat. Xmas tree lighting. And at 8:15 down to shake hands with other half of Press Corps. Hanging over the whole afternoon & evening—A B52 crashed on take off in Sacramento—loss of crew. A U.S. aircraft crashed in Cinn. with 4 F.B.I. agents killed—they have 11 children between them.

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