Diary Entry - 12/14/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan and Vice President Bush participate in a ceremony to receive 1985 Presidential Inaugural license plates.
The President and First Lady meet with Rev. William "Billy" Graham in the Solarium.
Dropped in on Inaugural Directors meeting. Their job is unbelievably complex & tedious but they volunteer & do it in great style. Then out to the driveway to be presented our Inaugural License plate—No. 1.
We had a most unsatisfactory N.S.P.G. meeting with Charly Wick present. He is not the reason it’s unsatisfactory. We’re ready to go with “Radio Marti” our station broadcasting truth to Cuba—part of our Information Program. Cuba however threatens retaliation; not just jamming our program but jamming Am. radio stations all the way to the Mid-west. They are actually completing the transmitters to do this. We can join all of theirs but at great cost & only after several months. It will take time to set up a system. If we retreat we lose face which can hurt us in all of Latin Am. If we go forward we could knock many of our Commercial stations off the air. What to do? Right now I don't know.
Billy Graham for dinner tonight. Very interesting—his experiences in the Soviet U. & S. Africa. He questions the stature of Bishop Tutu. He feels the Soviets are experiencing a wave of religious revival particularly on the part of young Russians.