Diary Entry - 12/12/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with eighteen Native American Leaders to discuss less U.S. government control.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend the Congressional Ball.
Thirty-five people are killed in a triple train collision during morning rush-hour in Clapham, South London.
10 A.M.—Q’s. are being raised again about whether something should be done about people with incomes (this time above $90,000) collecting Soc. Security. Talk of Wed. schedule—speech at the exec. forum & Fri. to Va. on Foreign Policy. I’ve suggested Q&A because this one is at a University. Thurs. I get the commissions recommendation on pay raises. Kranowitz is being hired away from us by Bob Michel & the Repub. Cong. leadership. Cong. resumes on Jan. 3. Tomorrow I get the budget.
N.S.C.—Colin in Detroit making a speech. John took over. He gave me or I should say an A.I.D. man gave me an update on our aid to Soviet’s on Earthquake disaster. Another plane crash there. This was a Yugo Slav plane—mistook a lighted highway for a runway—7 dead.
Swedes are telling us Arafat is going to make his statement to the U.N. in Geneva (5 A.M. our time tomorrow). It will, we’re told, be the statement we’ve asked for. Moubarak wrote me a letter that Arafat is coming around. Argentina—Noriega helped finance the attempted mil. rebellion. Pres. Alfonsin has broken off relations with Panama. Polisario now admits they shot down our plane believing it was a Moroccan mil. plane. Some desk time—P.D.B. & so forth. Then my Commission on Physical fitness brought me the annual report. There were 18 of them including our friend Pam Shriver. Then into Lunch. Two staff members for the 2nd time smuggled a Xmas Tree into the study where I lunch. At 2 P.M. I met in Cabinet Room with 18 heads of Indian tribes. I think meeting went well. They want less bureaucratic control of tribes & more freedom. I’m for that.
More desk time—then a haircut & a photo with John Shannon & his wife. He’s photo processor—leaving after 20 yrs.
Over to dip. room for photo with Marks friend, an all American tackle from Ohio St. & his fiancé. Upstairs, a brief drop in on Nancys tea with Mr. & Mrs. Sammy Davis Jr.
At 5 P.M. downstairs for photo with Social Aides—all military officers—every branch of the service. For the 1st time it’s ever been done they gave us a gift. It’s a rubbing (framed) of the prayer inscribed on the fireplace in the St. Dining Room. It’s by John Adams. Back upstairs exercised, showered, dressed Black Tie—Dinner. At 8:30 down for Congressional Ball. A lot of mix & mingle then into the East Room to dance to the music of Peter Duchin. Then back to the mix & mingle & upstairs to bed.