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Diary Entry - 12/05/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 12-05-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting.

  • President Reagan meets with representatives of NASA and the European Space Agency to discuss the current spacelab mission.

View the President's Schedule
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N.S.C. in the morning—subject Lebanon. We took out 11 Anti-aircraft & missile launching sites, a radar installation & an ammo dump. Syria says they will hold our captured pilot (they’re returning the body of the other) until we all leave Lebanon. Our press & T.V. are hostile to the point of being pro Syrian. Did a satellite T.V. conference call with our astronauts in the Shuttle along with Chancellor Kohl who is in Athens for an E.C. meeting. It turned out alright. A Budget appeal meeting on N.A.S.A.’s request. I think we’re OK there & can still start to plan a space station. We now have a U.S. attorney in each of the 94 districts—I mean one appointed by us. They are meeting in Wash. I went over to the W.H. after lunch & spoke to them on our fight against crime & they’re a part of that. A 2nd budget review meeting. Dave S. is pessimistic about our chance of getting much more in cuts from the Congress. I told him we had to try. We must get the people with us or we’ll never wind down the deficits. Saw some Ambassadors off to Haiti, Czechoslovakia, Burma & Brazil. Met with Geo. S. who is off to meetings in Europe tomorrow. We see pretty much eye to eye on our problems in Lebanon & with the little Red brothers in Moscow. We have a back channel contact we hope can get some common sense discussion going with them.

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