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Diary Entry - 12/04/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for H.R. 1748, the Department of Defense Authorization Act of 1988.

  • President Reagan attends the swearing-in ceremony for Don Wilson, as Archivist of the U.S.

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Staff time—Learned House has passed a Continuing Resolution I’ll have to veto if it comes to my desk. Sen. Byrd claims he has made a pledge to me—there will be no amendments on the Bud. deficit bill. I’m more than happy (& surprised) at this.

N.S.C.—Iraqi planes stormed on island in the P. Gulf belonging to the Saudi’s. They were supposed to be attacking a nearby Iranian island. There were casualties.

At 9:30 A.M. a meeting with Bipartisan Cong. leadership. We briefed them on upcoming summit. Bob Dole spoke once very feisty re Senates responsibility to confirm. It was apparent he was taking off on me for remarks I made last night on the networks T.V. interview. I think really he was irritated because I said something nice about V.P. Bush. I understand Howard B. sort of took him to task.

Signed Defense Authorization bill with John Warner, Sam Nunn, Bill Dickinson & Les Aspin on hand for photos. They did the job of cleaning it up.

At 11 A.M. over to Nat. Archives for swearing Don Wilson in as new Archivist of the U.S. Back to the W.H. for lunch & then over to E.O.B. to speak to the Anti-crime Coalition.

A meeting with Geo. S.—spent time discussing Gorbachev & the summit. Then all of us down to Situation Room for a discussion of things to be ironed out with Soviets on the START treaty. Most had to do with S.D.I.

Upstairs & to Dr. Huttons office for a check up on a spot on my nose—apparently it is innocent & no trouble. Ran back to the office to deliver B.D. gift to Kathy. Then Home & Mother.

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