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Diary Entry - 12/03/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives a report on travel expenses of "Soviet summiteers."

  • President Reagan learns that Congress voted, in Committee, no to sell Stinger missiles to Bahrain.

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Busy staff meeting. Jim Baker came by to give a report on tax provisions as proposed in Bud. bill—they seemed pretty good. There is a continuing resolution on the House floor that is a mess. If it passes I’ll have to veto. I phoned Bill Rusher to thank him for a great column in the Wash. Times. Word came that Sen. Byrd has called for taking up I.N.F. ratification in Jan.

Then it was N.S.C. time. A report on travel expenses of Soviet summiteers. They’ve demanded 50 we’ve said 20. But at Madison Hotel they empty the minibars in their rooms into their suitcases every morning in addition to running up big bar bills—all of which we have to pay. The St. Dept. has already had to ask Congress for a supplemental appropriation.

On another subject—Att. Gen. has asked Defense for 4 more helicopters in Atlanta (the prison). I said yes. Cong. voted no in Committee on Stinger sale to Bahrain—we have to get that changed. I called Sen’s. Inoway [Inouye] & Kasten for help—they are both on my side. We are waiting to see if there will be S. Korean retaliation for N.K.’s bomb in the S.K. airliner.

Then I went over to E.O.B. to speak to Human Rights advocates. Outside door I met 5 individuals who have wives, husbands or fiancés in Soviet U. who’ve been held there for years. They asked me to appeal directly to Gorbachev & I will.

The 11 A.M. scheduled Congressional meeting was canceled.

Then a swearing in ceremony for Jim Burnley as Sec. of Transportation. Lunch in study where I’d been all morning—networks were setting up Oval O. for an interview. At 2 P.M. had the interview with 4 anchor men—the 3 networks & CNN. Had a half hour briefing & then the interview—I think it went OK.

Brute Krulak came by later for a short meeting.

Then Personnel time & admin. time. One group was with poster child for Better Hearing & Speaking. She was a delight. I’m the Celebrity Honorary chmn. this year.

Upstairs to Nancy. We saw the interview on NBC. It was OK.

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