Diary Entry - 12/01/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a fundraiser in the State of Florida.
President Reagan addresses the students of Duval County High School and congratulates them on having an exceptional educational level.
Very Brief office time. A little talk about CBS-N.Y. Times poll which has me doing poorly. Our own Wirthlin poll is completely opposite—job Rating 56 up from 49 and popularity 71%.
Then off to Fla. Into Jacksonville—1st a Repub. fund raiser with Gov. present also Cong.man Connie Mack—who is running for Senate. Then on to Memorial Coliseum. About 8,000 with a goodly share Duval Co. High School students. Duval has been rated as having an exceptional educational level nationwide.
I addressed them, then took Q’s. Everything went very well especially the Q&A. Then back to the plane & at the W.H. 5 P.M. A quiet nite & early to bed—after watching the big Presidential candidate debate.