Diary Entry - 11/30/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan places a call to Roger B. Smith, Chairman of General Motors Corporation.
President Reagan participates in a photo opportunity with members of the Board of Trustees of the Heritage Foundation.
In an interview broadcast by NBC, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev acknowledge that his country is engaged in "Star Wars"-related research,
Back in the routine again. We opened talking about the Budget deal & speculating that maybe we’d have more trouble in the Sen. then in the House. Then came word the Demo’s. may pull a fast one & include the bill in a Continuing resolution which I might have to veto. This of course would automatically put into effect the Sequester. I brought up our need to conceive of an ongoing plan to balance the budget once & for all. I changed the subject & asked to see if the thousands of high school students tomorrow in Fla. after my speech couldn’t ask a few Q’s. We’ll see.
N.S.C.—Mainly about the tragedy in Haiti. Then a visitor—King Olaf of Norway. A pleasant 15 min. visit.
Then some desk time and at 11:30 over to East Room to wind up a session with about 200 business leaders on the Budget matter. Then over to the Willard Hotel to attend the Heritage Foundation lunch & make a speech. Got back to the W.H. in time for a Cabinet meeting to review Budget situation & discuss schedule for upcoming summit.
Wound up day with a haircut & then a lengthy taping session.
Upstairs—Mermie is here. Dinner & bed.