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Diary Entry - 11/30/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-30-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on espionage against the United States.

  • President Reagan receives a private letter from Assistant for National Security Affairs Robert McFarlane asking to resign from government service.

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Awoke to fog & a very chill wind—temp. around 40°. Did my radio broadcast on espionage & the spies we’re catching. We hear the skies are clear all around us & just below us but we’re in the cloud here on the mountain. Again I’ve cancelled a ride. We’ve had intermittent days like this on other ranch trips but never one like this.

Then along about noon the skies cleared, the sun came out & we had an afternoon outdoors. I painted—(a little touch up) of our Rooster weathervane then Courtney, Barney, Dennis & I pruned the big walnut tree in the yard & hauled the cuttings to the dump. A letter, “for my eyes only” came from Bud MacFarlane. He wants to resign. He says after 30 yrs. in govt. service he owes it to his family. I cant argue against that. I believe his successor should be John Poindexter—presently Buds Deputy in N.S.C.

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