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Diary Entry - 11/29/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-29-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan orders US Air Force fighter coverage for Egyptian planes.

  • President Reagan speaks with Illinois Representative Dan Rostenkowski to discuss tax reforms.

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Weather unchanged—no ride. Awakened early by phone call from Bud M. It seems Moubarak wants to fly some of the Egyptian wounded & his commandos home from Malta & is concerned that Quadaffi might attack the plane. He has asked us for fighter cover. I said h--l yes. We are flying F-15’s plus a tanker & a communications plane down from Europe. Operation should take place some time tonight—I think. Ron & Doria who had stayed overnight departed around 11 A.M. Called Rostenkowski to assure him we were studying the tax reform as produced by Ways & Means Committee. Some press accounts had us feuding etc. absolutely no truth to it. For a time it looked as though it might be clearing—the sun even came out, but it was all temporary. Before the afternoon was over the rain was pouring down & continued into the night.

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