Diary Entry - 11/22/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the hostage situation in Beirut, Lebanon.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss the Secretary's desire to retire from government service.
The largest U.S. swearing-in ceremony took place as 38,648 immigrants become U.S. citizens.
A good nights sleep & into the office at 11:15 A.M. They are being kind to me. Almost instantly I was rushed over to the family theatre to take Q’s. from all the leading T.V. commentators & some top columnists. It was all on the summit of course & designed to keep the upsurge going. My approval rating on handling the summit was 81%.
Back to the office for a brief N.S.C. Subject was our hostages in Beirut. We have an undercover thing going by way of an Iranian which could get them sprung momentarily.
Geo. B. & I had lunch. He’s been to Iowa to do a fundraiser for Gov. Brandstead who has been kicking my head in on the farm situation. He also met with some farm leaders. Sen. Grassley has really mobilized the farmers against me. I have compassion for them but there is a limit to what we can do to help them in this situation & we’re doing all we can.
George Shultz came in after the Cabinet meeting. The meeting was for both of us to report on the Geneva trip. George wants to leave govt. I told him he could stay as long as I was here but I couldn’t try to talk him out of his decision which is based on the fact he’s just burned out.
Then Jim Baker came by on the tax bill. The House Ways & Means committee is about to come forth with a bill considerably different than our version. Question is do I support it with hope the Sen. will improve it or do I let nature take it’s course?
Upstairs a nice visit with Mike D. Then a massage & that’s it.