Diary Entry - 11/21/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan and General Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev make closing statements at the conclusion of the US - Soviet summit in Geneva, Switzerland.
President Reagan returns to Washington, DC from the US - Soviet summit in Geneva, Switzerland.
This is the beginning of the longest day. At 10 A.M. in the large convention hall Mr. G. & I appeared on stage to considerable applause. Then we each made a short statement following a brief speech by Pres. Furgler. Then Geo. S. & Shevardnadze signed a couple of agreements, we said our farewells & back to the house. After lunch we were off to the airport—farewells to our Swiss hosts and our Ambassadors & Air Force I to Brussels. We were met by the King & Queen of Belgium. They are very warm & outgoing & deeply religious. A ceremony in a snow storm, review of troops etc. then I was off to N.A.T.O. where I received a wonderful reception. I gave a report & took about 45 mins. of Q’s. The air of success in the meetings is widespread—but probably not with our cynical press. At 6 P.M. A.F.1 lifted off on the 8 hr. & 30 min. flight to Wash. It will be 3:00 A.M. our get up time when we arrive but only 9 P.M. Wash. time when I address the joint session of Cong. & speak to the Nat. on T.V.
I haven’t gotten such a reception since I was shot. The gallerys were full & the members wouldn’t stop clapping & cheering. So home to bed at what is about 4 A.M. by Get up time.