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Diary Entry - 11/16/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-16-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to Geneva, Switzerland for the US - Soviet summit.

View the President's Schedule
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Depart for Geneva 8:15 A.M. Arrival time 4:25 Wash. Time 10:25 P.M. Geneva time. This was the final adjustment day re jet lag. A glass of orange juice at 7:30 A.M.—then through a great crowd of guests on the S. Lawn with wonderful home made placards wishing us well, a goodbye to Lucky & we were on our way. We had a good brunch at what would be about 2:30 Geneva time. Then dinner at 8:30 G. time—4:30 Wash. time. A 7 hr. 50 min. flight in which you fly into night—10:25 P.M. when we landed. Pres. & Mrs. Furgler met us plane side plus about 20 of his cabinet & wives. A brief speech to the crowd & on to our quarters—the beautiful home of the son of the Aga Khan. They of course had moved out & turned it over to us. A little problem getting to sleep. During the trip we met & talked about the meetings. Apparently the Soviets are allowing about a dozen of their citizens who have American wives & husbands to leave the Soviet U. & re-unite in Am. One wife hasn’t seen her Am. husband in 11 yrs.

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