Diary Entry - 11/15/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz and Assistant for National Security Affairs Robert McFarlane.
President Reagan and Representative Thomas O'Neill make statements to the press regarding the signing of the Anglo/Irish peace accord.
At 9 A.M. Wash. time P.M’s. Thatcher & Fitzgerald (Ireland) signed an agreement on bringing peace to Northern Ireland. Tip O’Neill came down & we were photographed together endorsing their action & making statements of support.
An N.S.C. meeting was a run through by George S. of the Geneva day to day summit schedule. Then Geo. & Bud & I had our usual Fri. meeting—nothing very important. Now we know what will happen to our re-defecting KGB agent Yurchenko; He’s doing appearances in Russia repeating how we drugged him.
Sens. Pete Wilson & Fritz Hollings came in to present me with a letter signed by 39 Sens. in support of S.D.I. I’ll have that with me in Geneva.
A taping session & a taping of tomorrows broadcast did it—home to a little packing & tomorrow is get away day.