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Diary Entry - 11/15/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-15-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz and Assistant for National Security Affairs Robert McFarlane.

  • President Reagan and Representative Thomas O'Neill make statements to the press regarding the signing of the Anglo/Irish peace accord.

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At 9 A.M. Wash. time P.M’s. Thatcher & Fitzgerald (Ireland) signed an agreement on bringing peace to Northern Ireland. Tip O’Neill came down & we were photographed together endorsing their action & making statements of support.

An N.S.C. meeting was a run through by George S. of the Geneva day to day summit schedule. Then Geo. & Bud & I had our usual Fri. meeting—nothing very important. Now we know what will happen to our re-defecting KGB agent Yurchenko; He’s doing appearances in Russia repeating how we drugged him.

Sens. Pete Wilson & Fritz Hollings came in to present me with a letter signed by 39 Sens. in support of S.D.I. I’ll have that with me in Geneva.

A taping session & a taping of tomorrows broadcast did it—home to a little packing & tomorrow is get away day.

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