Diary Entry - 11/16/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan limits Cabinet meetings to Cabinet members due to recent leaks to the press.
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to receive the 37th annual Thanksgiving turkey from the National Turkey Federation.
We’re all in an uproar over the continued leaks. Yesterday’s Cabinet meeting was on the front P. of the Wash. Post. Don Regan was so mad he sent me a letter of resignation. I refused to accept it & before noon he was cooled down. From now on we dispense with the back benchers—only Cabinet members will attend meetings.
Then we had a session with Carol Dinkins of Justice & Shultz of St. Justice is pursuing a case—criminal charges of anti-trust violations with England’s Laker airline. P.M. Thatcher has really dug in her heels. George thinks our relations with U.K. are more important than the case. Hearing both sides I came down on the side of foreign relations—case closed. In N.S.P.G. what could have been an in-house battle—again involving State Dept. & C.I.A. was settled peacefully in favor of C.I.A. [. . .] Tomorrow morning I’m meeting with Cap W. & Bill Casey to iron out (if I can) some difficulties involving George S.