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Diary Entry - 11/16/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-16-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan limits Cabinet meetings to Cabinet members due to recent leaks to the press.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to receive the 37th annual Thanksgiving turkey from the National Turkey Federation.

View the President's Schedule
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We’re all in an uproar over the continued leaks. Yesterday’s Cabinet meeting was on the front P. of the Wash. Post. Don Regan was so mad he sent me a letter of resignation. I refused to accept it & before noon he was cooled down. From now on we dispense with the back benchers—only Cabinet members will attend meetings.

Then we had a session with Carol Dinkins of Justice & Shultz of St. Justice is pursuing a case—criminal charges of anti-trust violations with England’s Laker airline. P.M. Thatcher has really dug in her heels. George thinks our relations with U.K. are more important than the case. Hearing both sides I came down on the side of foreign relations—case closed. In N.S.P.G. what could have been an in-house battle—again involving State Dept. & C.I.A. was settled peacefully in favor of C.I.A. [. . .] Tomorrow morning I’m meeting with Cap W. & Bill Casey to iron out (if I can) some difficulties involving George S.

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