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Diary Entry - 11/15/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-15-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan calls the crew of the Space Shuttle.

  • President Reagan meets with an editor from Doubleday.

  • President Reagan hosts a reception for leaders of the American Security Council's Coalition for Peace Through Strength.

View the President's Schedule
* * *

At 8:20 A.M. called the crew of the Shuttle. Signal had worked out a connection with Houston Space Center so that I saw the crew on T.V. while I was talking to them. Thanks to Bill Buckley I had a meeting with an editor from Doubleday who brought suggestions on how I should keep records like this for an eventual book or books on my terms in office. He was a fine man & most informative—his name—Sam Vaughn. We had a 2 hour cabinet meeting on the matter of our ec. program. The meeting of 2 days ago was on the front page of the papers yesterday. I wish we could learn who is leaking to the press. We had sworn everyone to secrecy & did so again today. It’s a d--n uncomfortable feeling & inhibits all of us from voicing opinions. We’re facing a battle to get the spending cuts we must have but I intend to take our case to the people. Cap W. came in re some defense problems. I didn’t take up the Sec. St. problem with him—pending a session with the V.P. who has some input on that matter.

One of the gentlemen at the reception for Am. Security Council & Pc. thru Strength Coalition—collapsed in the Blue Rm. Our W.H. doctor & nurse took over & he was taken to the hospital. I dont know the outcome yet.

[Upper right-hand corner of page starting with Thursday, November 15, 1984, shows a miniature copy of the presidential schedule for this date.]

8:30 am    Phone Call to Crew of Residence

(5 min)    Space Shuttle “Discovery”    (Fuller)

9:00 am    Staff Time

(30 min)    (Baker, Meese, Deaver)    Oval Office

9:30 am   National Security Briefing

(15 min)     (McFarlane)                  Oval Office

9:45 am   Senior Staff Time Oval Office

(15 min)

10:00 am   Personal Staff Time Oval Office

(2 hrs)

12:00 pm   Lunch   Oval Office

(60 min)

1:00 pm    Meeting with Sam Vaughn  

(20 min)    Principal Editor of Doubleday (Darman)    Oval Office

1:30 pm   Cabinet Time

(2 hrs)    (Fuller)     Cabinet Room

3:30 pm   Personal Staff Time   Oval Office

(45 min)

4:15 pm   Personnel Time  

(20 min)    (Herrington)    Oval Office

4:45 pm   Administrative Time   Oval Office

(15 min)

1. Photo with Clarence Brown, Commander of the American Legion (Whittlesey)

2. Photo with Tih-Wu-Weng, Chairman of the Board, World Journal (Meese)

3. Receive Report from the Presidential Advisory Committee on Small and Minority Business (Fuller)

5:00 pm Reception for the American Security Residence

(20 min)    Council’s Coalition for Peace through Strength    (McFarlane/Rosebush)

[A copy of the presidential schedule dated Friday, November 16, 1984, is enclosed in the diary.]

9:00 am   Staff Time   Oval Office

(30 min)

9:30 am   Nat. Security Briefing

(15 min)    (McFarlane)    Oval Office

9:45 am   Meeting with Peter McPherson  

(15 min)    (McFarlane)    Oval Office

10:00 am   Briefing Session

(30 min)    (McFarlane/Fielding)   Oval Office

10:30 am   Personal Staff Time   Oval Office

(30 min)

11:00 am   N.S.P.G. Meeting

(60 min)    (McFarlane)    Situation Room

12:00 pm   Lunch & Personal Staff Time   Oval Office

(75 min)

1:15 pm   Presentation of Thanksgiving Turkey

(10 min)    (Whittlessey)    Rose Garden

1:30 pm   Meeting with Secretary Shultz   Oval Office

(30 min)

2:00 pm*    Meeting with Foreign Minister   Oval Office

(30 min)    Yaqub Khan of Pakistan    (McFarlane)

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