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Diary Entry - 11/14/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a meeting with Soviet political dissident, Andrei Sakharov.

  • President Reagan participates in a Question and Answer session with several 7th & 8th grade students.

  • Israeli President Chaim Herzog formally asks Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir to form a new government.

View the President's Schedule
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Into the office at 10 A.M. Discussed random drug testing by dept. of transportation. Then Forbachev coming to U.N. to address Gen. Assembly. He'll be avaible for a get together with the V.P. & me in N.Y.

N.S.C. More on Gorbachev & N.Y. Then Colin said Soviet Shuttle is supposed to go up at 10 P.M. out time tonite.

Then it was time for meeting with Adrei Sakkarov in Oval O. A half hour meeting talked mainly of Perestroika & his view that part of that should involve human rights.

Then some personal staff time, the P.D.B. some bill to sign. At 11:30 I went over to the East Room & presented Nat. Malcolm Baldridge Quality Awards to 3 firms. Lunch in the study.

Then over to State dining room to address some 50 Jr. High students & take their Qs. I enjoyed it & think they did too.

A haircut them over to Dr. Hutton to check my allergy, she believes I may have picked up a virus. I'm having post nasal drainage problems.

Upstairs to exercise & shower. I should have pointed out that our morning discussion of drug testing was because Dept. of Transportation has issued order to entire transportation industry for drug testing.

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