Diary Entry - 11/13/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present winners of the 1985 and 1986 Young American Medals for Bravery and Service.
The President and First Lady participate in a photo opportunity with Sgt. Carl Holwenda, departing member of the Marine Helicopter One Squadron.
Staff time—I put in a bid to ask Justice Thurgood Marshal to come to the W.H. next week for a visit. He’s made it plain that he thinks I’m a racist—but the Justice has only heard the case as presented by the prosecution. I intend to speak for the defense. Everyone agrees. More time spent on deficit. Demos. want about $9 Bil. in taxes but want us to agree without telling us what kind of taxes.
N.S.C.—we have more proof that Marcos is cooking up a coup aimed at Pres. Aquino. More planning on our part going on for summit. I’ve proposed (on another subject) to drop Romania’s most favored nation status until they clean up their human rights act.
Some desk work & lunch—then over to E.O.B. to present 6 medals—5 to girls 1 to a boy—for service or heroism. These are the youth medals Pres. Awards—some were for deeds in ’85 some for ’86. That’s always a heartwarming job.
Meeting with George Shultz. We’ve heard from Soviets—they want Gorbachev to address a joint session of Congress. It’s OK with me. I think he has some supporters in Cong.
A surprise birthday party for Howard B.—then upstairs to change for Camp D. & here we go.—Snow almost all gone when we get there.