Diary Entry - 11/12/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a meeting with Afghan Resistance leaders and Members of Congress.
President Reagan meets with Members of Congress to discuss Romania's most-favored-nation trading status with the U.S.
Boris Yeltsin is fired as head of the Moscow's Communist party for criticizing the slow pace of reform.
Something like a foot of snow on the ground—but the sun is out.
A brief meeting with Bill Bennett. He was worried that he was out of favor about his phone call to Doug Ginsberg. The press was playing that I had encouraged him to call & urge Doug to withdraw his name. I reassured him that I didn’t believe the stories & we were all OK. Then Jim Baker & Jim Miller along with Howard B. & Ken D. This was about negotiations re the deficit. They wanted instructions from me as to what they could do to get an agreement. I want them to hold out for more spending cuts in domestic programs.
N.S.C.—presented possible schedule for 3 day meeting with Gorbachev. I OK’d showing it to Soviets for their approval. Learned John Poindexter was operated on for tumor in his sinuses. OK’d—flowers & wine.
Colin reported Iranians seemed to be acting a little better—possibly because of Arab League meeting. Almost all of the Arab nations have decided to restore relations with Egypt. He also reported that Jewish groups are planning big demonstration when summit is on. However it is not billed as protest against Soviet U. but as support for us.
Then a meeting with half dozen Afghan leaders who have come together to try to unify various elements against Soviets. I presented them to an audience of Reps. & Sens. & public leaders in Roosevelt room.
After lunch a meeting with Rep. Frank Wolf, Sen. Helms & others about removing “Most Favored Nation” status from Romania. I can do that on basis of violation of human rights. We have given them that status because of their apparent independence from Soviet U. Apparently that is a sham and their violations of human rights are worse than in Soviet U. I’ll take this up with Geo. S. tomorrow.
Then a meeting with Sen’s. Biden & Strom Thurmond re the hearings on Judge Kennedy for confirmation to Supreme Ct. I think this time—signals are go.
Personnel Time with Bob Tuttle—then Admin. time. Officers & new Pres. of Am. Legion came by pledging support for our Central Am. policy. Followed by Am. Lung Assn. start of Christmas Seal campaign. Then some of Anne Higgens staff for photos & finally a farewell to Dr. Platt & family who are leaving us.—Upstairs & in for the evening.