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Diary Entry - 11/12/1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan participates in a signing ceremony for Proclamation 4999, designating November 21st to November 27th National Family Week.

  • President Reagan participates in a meeting with the Deputy Prime Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Kamal Hasan 'Ali.

  • The Communist Party Central Committee meets in emergency session and elects 68 year-old Yuri Andropov general secretary of the party.

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A busy day. Met with an assorted group of families—wonderful people in the state dining room to sign the proclamation of family week—Nov. 21–28. Meeting in the Oval office with P.M. Ali of Egypt. He brought a good letter from Pres. Mubarak. The letter makes it plain that relations between Egypt & Israel are badly strained. My meeting with Begin had better result in his agreement to stop being so intractable. Lunch with Jack Kilpatrick. He tried to tell me of his visit to the new Vietnam Vets. memorial and started to cry. Had a meeting in the East room with a group of youth volunteers from all over the country. They were wonderful kids & lifted my spirits. Spent most of afternoon in another budget meeting. It’s going to be a battle but we must make deeper budget cuts. Rcvd. a warm message from Margaret Thatcher about the agreement we think we’ve reached with our allies re East-West trade. If nothing happens between now & tomorrow noon I will announce the agreement—also the lifting of the pipe line sanctions. The Soviets have told us our funeral delegation should only be 3 people. So it will be the V. P., Secretary of State & our Ambassador. Incidentally our allies have followed my lead—no heads of state will attend.

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