Diary Entry - 11/11/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the Presidential Citizens Medal in commemoration of Veterans Day to Raymond Weeks.
President Reagan speaks with astronauts aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia's first commercial operations mission.
Presented a medal to Roy Week of Birmingham for having worked to make Armistice day into Vets. day almost 30 yrs. ago. Another session on the budget. I’m coming closer to Drew Lewis’s hiway program. Phil Habib came in—he’s going back to Lebanon for us. What a man he is. My day actually started at 3:30 A.M. Bill Clark called with word that Breshnev died. Don Regan & George Shultz came in (secret) with a plan for the budget. It makes great sense & would be more saleable than anything we’ve been discussing. I’m really encouraged.—Press Conference: Everyone says it was very good.