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Diary Entry - 11/10/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-10-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the situation in Nicaragua.

  • President Reagan meets with and recognizes the Vietnam Veterans Leadership Program in a ceremony in the Rose Garden.

View the President's Schedule
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Met with freshmen Congressmen from N.Y., David Martin. What a fine young man. He has a pol. problem with our decision to use Ft. Drum (Watertown N.Y.) for a temp. detention center for illegal aliens (Haitians). I explained it could help the local economy but that in a year or two we would reactivate enough mil. use to be an ec. factor long range. He took it with a smile. In the Rose Garden—now too cold for that sort of thing—met with a group of V.N. Vets who’ve all been successful in civilian life and have now formed a vol. group to help those vets who still cant adjust. Had a briefing over lunch for the 2 P.M. Press Conf. in the Blue Room. Thank Heaven it went well even though they bore in with an array of formidable questions. The N.S.C. meeting was tough—what are we going to do about Central Am. & Cuba. Nicaragua is becoming an armed camp & the base for the communizing of all of Central Am. Later was presented with a rocker made by a Mr. Maloof who is such an artist—his chairs sell for $2500. A 91 yr. old wood carver also came in to present a humorous carving. Mr. & Mrs. McNeil presented the White House a beautiful & valuable painting by Bierstadt. Ended the day with a reception for those who contributed to our transition fund.

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