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Diary Entry - 11/09/1981

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-09-1981

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with local elected officials to discuss revenue return.

  • U.S. troops begin arriving in Egypt for a three-week Rapid Deployment Force exercise that also includes Somalia, Sudan, and Oman.

  • The International Monetary Fund approves a record $5.8 billion loan to India.

View the President's Schedule
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Schedule—Brkfast meeting with new appointees since end of March. Rcv. Christmas Seals from Am. Lung Assn. Dedicate rebuilt press quarters in W. Wing. Working lunch—get ready for press conf. Interview with Hugh Sidey for World Book Yearbook. Meet with local elected officials. Tape a Westinghouse Broadcast & tape a piece for “Jimmy Cancer Fund”—dinner honoring Red Auerback of Boston Celtic fame. A young lad named Schroeder who starred in “The Champ” presented us with Xmas seals for the A.L.A. He’s 11 years old and an outstanding personality. Jim Brady appeared with us for the opening of the rebuilt press room. It was a most heart warming event. All the interviews seemed to go well. George & Barbara Bush came over for dinner. It was an early but pleasant evening.

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