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Diary Entry - 11/08/1985

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-08-1985

Key Facts

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the "Medved affair" of the Soviet sailor who may or may not have tried to defect.

  • President Reagan hosts a luncheon with religious leaders to discuss the upcoming summit meeting with the Soviets in Geneva.

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A meeting with our Repub. Cong. leadership. Geo. S. & Bud reported on their Moscow trip and we had a discussion about the Summit & the part our Defense Bud. plays in that. Jack Kemp kicked up a fuss when he challenged the St. Dept. about not supporting $27 mil. aid to Savimbi in Angola. Geo. replied that our objection was to Cong. making the aid overt. We want a covert operation for real help. Our problem is Cong. interference in what should be exec. office management of international diplomacy. Things got hot for awhile. Then we got around to the extension of the debt limit. If we dont have that by the 15th we will have to default on our bonds for the 1st time in our history. I let them know if the fun & games continued—trying to hang unacceptable amendments on the debt bill I wouldn’t be blackmailed into signing even if my veto brought on default.

Bob Dole started talking about a nice clean bill with no amendments.

After that meeting we had an N.S.C. meeting on the Medved affair in N.O. It’s a mess—the guy assured our people he wanted to go back to Russia. We’re convinced his Mother & Father have been threatened if he doesn’t. But now we have a Senate staffer from the Agri. Committee of all things down there trying to subpoena him for an appearance before their committee.

Lunch was with a large group of leaders of Christian & Jewish denominations. Subject was Summit & Human Rights. I believe I have their support & their prayers.

A meeting with Geo. & Bud & more planning for the summit. A group from the Alzheimer’s Disease Foundation came in for a proclamation signing. Rita Hayworths daughter Yasmin was one of them—she is a lovely young lady. Right now very pregnant. Did some photos for Time & Newsweek. Then 2 young people I’d met on a trip unexpectedly showed up. The young lady is Pres. of the student body—the boy V.P.—U. of Tenn. They are fine young people & I was delighted to see them.

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