Diary Entry - 11/07/1985

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a swearing-in ceremony for Edward Hickey as Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission.
This one got to be a busy day. The usual staff & N.S.C. meetings then into the Cabinet room to meet 40 or 50 heads of all manner of Nat. Org’s.—Vet’s. groups, K. of C. etc. all in a coalition to support S.D.I. Then former Gov. Otis Bowen of Ind. came in—I’ve named him Sec. of H.H.S. to succeed Margaret Heckler. Next meeting was with Sen. Dan Evans who is fighting like h--l to halt the textile protection bills. He wanted to be reassured that I’m with him and I am.
From there to a Cabinet Room lunch with several non-govt. individuals—all great Russian scholars who gave their views on the coming summit, Gorbachev etc. It was very interesting & worthwhile.
Then an interview with 7 “U.S. News & World Report” writers. It was enjoyable. Oops!—almost forgot—had an East Room ceremony this morning for Paul Nitze & Albert & Roberta Wohlsetter—presented them with Freedom medals.
Back to the P.M. Met a lady Mrs. Barbara Newington who has spent 10’s of 1000’s of her own money taking out ads to build support for things like our Nicaraguan policy. Ed Meese came in to brief us on the Medved affair—he is the sailor who jumped ship (a Russian ship) in New Orleans to be a defector.—Then he recanted and is back on ship board. Ed gave us the detailed story of how it all happened. Now Jesse Helms has gotten the Agri. Committee of the Sen. to subpoena him—a staff member is on his way to N.O. I dont know how this would work & think it’s pretty silly. The guy was very positive that he wanted to go back to Russia.
A ceremony for swearing in of Ed Hickey who is leaving our Mil. Office to be Chmn. of the Fed. Trade [Maritime] Commission. Upstairs Lyn N. came by briefly—wanted to be reassured that I wouldn’t roll over and settle for something at the Summit just to come home with an agreement. I reassured him.