Diary Entry - 11/04/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan hosts a luncheon for representatives of governments attending the Conference on Free Elections.
President Reagan participates in a meeting with Regional Directors of the 1980 campaign.
Ruud Lubbers is sworn in by Queen Beatrix as prime minister of The Netherlands.
Continued making calls to winners & losers. No call to Jim Thompson Gov. Ill. His election is tied up with Dem. controlled Chi. finding empty ballot boxes, ballots in car trunks & you name it. We may not know for a year who won. Had a Nat. Security Planning Group meeting re activities in Nicaragua & Poland. It was reassuring to find out how effective we can be. Pres. Mongé of Costa Rica came in. He’s a good man & has been doing his best to pull his country out of an ec. crisis. We then lunched in the East room with delegates from all over the free world here for the Conference on elections. This grew out of my speech to Parliament last summer in London—start of a program to sell democracy to the world. Paul Laxalt came by—he will accept chairmanship of the R.N.C. Met with our own regional Pol. directors celebrating 2nd anniversary of our elec. This was our 1st reunion. Cong. Bloomfield of Mich. (his district is 18 miles from Detroit) told me he campaigned on one issue only—my ec. program & won with the biggest margin he’s ever had. Attended small farewell reception for Jim Edwards. ABC news had story about a woman with a country restaurant in Texas along a hi-way in a Nat. Park. The Park service wants to bulldoze her cafe to improve the view. I called Jim Watt (in California). He’s going to look into it.