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Diary Entry - 11/03/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-03-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan and Vice President Bush attend a question and answer session in the Rose Garden about the previous day's elections results.

  • President Reagan participates in several meetings with Prime Minister Giovanni Spadolini of Italy.

  • Encouraged by the mid-term election, the Dow Jones industrial average gains a record 43.41 points and reaches its highest yet closing in history - 1,065.49.

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Did a press appearance in Rose Garden re the election returns. I’m sure they were sorry I was so happy. P.M. Spadolini of Italy arrived. I like him. We had a good meeting & then lunch in the St. Dining Rm. Italy has become (under him) a dependable ally. Lengthy Bud. meeting. We really face some tough decisions if we are going to reduce the deficits. Meanwhile the ec. continues looking up. Today broke all time record on Wall st. for increase in a single day & all time record high 1065+. Credit is given to election results—that Dems. did not win enough to change our direction. Hour interview for his book. Met Don Hodel who will replace departing Jim Edwards as Sec. of Energy. Have been calling our winners & losers all day.

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