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Diary Entry - 11/02/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 11-02-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan officially declares the hostilities in Grenada over.

  • President Reagan signs H.R. 3706 officially declaring the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. a legal public holiday.

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N.S.C.—Grenada is declared at peace. Hostilities officially declared over. The Marines are on their way to Lebanon & a number of Army Units are being withdrawn. On Jamaica P.M. Seaga has ordered several Soviet diplomats ousted for planning to murder a govt. official there. Formal signing ceremony of Bill naming Martin Luther King Jr. a nat. holiday. Mrs. King & the children were present as well as sizeable crowd. It went very well. Had a pretty free day—got a little home work done. Met 2 new members of press corps—Jim Hildreth—U.S. News & World Report & Charlotte Sikowski—Christian Science Monitor. Up to the gym—a massage & work on speeches for Japan & Korea.

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