Diary Entry - 11/01/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan orders the US Marines to Lebanon directly from their successful mission in Grenada.
President Reagan signs Proclamation 5123 designating the week of November 2 - 9 as National Drug Abuse Education Week.
Day began with G.O.P. Cong. leadership—a full Cabinet room. Last night the Repub. Sen. very irresponsibly refused to pass an increase in the debt ceiling which is necessary if we’re to borrow & keep the govt. running. After we gave them all a rundown on Lebanon & Grenada we took up the budget & the necessary legislation. I sounded off & told them I’d veto every d--n thing they sent down unless they gave us a clean debt ceiling bill. That ended the meeting. N.S.C. & a brief on Japan trip—we need to get some cooperation on trade matters. After lunch a signing ceremony in the East Room—Nancy was on hand because it was to sign proclamation for “Nat. Drug Abuse week.” Stu Spencer came by with a monster book (like an L.A. phone book)—it is the campaign book for if & when I declare. I’m supposed to read it. Cab. meeting on budget. I told them to go back & trim their ’85 bud. requests some more. Tom Vail—publisher of Cleveland Plain Dealer came by for a 20 min. off the record visit. He’s a nice guy. Saw the Ambas. to Bahrain off—Donald Leidel & his wife & 2 sons. Billy Kopaftis [Kopsaftis] & parents came by. He’s a 4 yr. old with a rare ailment that is usually fatal before the age of 10. His brother 5 died 3 mos. ago. It is a genetic disease. Tomorrow he goes to the Nat. Health Inst. If they accept him there is an operation which holds out hope of a cure. He sat in my chair because he wants to be a fire chief & Pres. of the U.S. Our Marines have set sail for Lebanon—from Grenada. On the way they stopped at a tiny island north of Grenada and cleaned out another warehouse filled with weapons & ammunition.